Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"HP and the Deathly Hallows" the review

yg blom baca di sarankan jgn baca postingan berikut....ntar nyesel loh wkwkwk)

Wiii akhirnya gw tamat juga baca ni buku........uda dari minggu kemarin si, cuma skrg baru smpet nge-review
Tp diitung” sejak rilisnya tanggal 21 juli kemaren, gw emang rada lelet bacanya *banget*....... n gw dapet scan-nya juga baru bulan agustus....... so it took me about one n half a months to finish the book ^^ *sweat*
Klo boleh menyalahkan, ini gara” jadwal gw yg padat *halah* sehingga gw baru bisa baca pas makan *dont try this at home* ato pas lagi bengong which is keduanya gak sering n biasanya cuma berlangsung slama beberapa menit...

Meanwhile, sminggu sbelom gw dapet scan-nya ato dgn kata lain : detik” awal buku ini diluncurkan, gw smpet browsing dan mendapat spoiler-spoiler ‘kurang menyenangkan’ Lol. Dan akibatnya smpet ada pro-kontra apakah bocoran yg beredar di internet itu asli ato hoax........
Nih contoh pendapat” yg bilang klo bocorannya fake (comments in red) :

Summary Taken from http://community.livejournal.com/its_a_fake

1. there is no hogwart crest in the very first page
mungkin ini sbg pertanda? bahwa selanjutnya Hogwarts bakalan jarang disinggung kecuali pas mendekati Hogwarts battle
2. Harry shattered Sirius' mirror in his own dorm room at Hogwarts at the end of OoTP - yet he is cleaning up the shattered pieces two years later in his room at Privet Drive?
3. Dudley asks his parents why Harry isn't coming with them when they move out of 4 Privet Drive. Why would Dudley care?
emang agak mengherankan sih.lol. tp lucu juga ngelyat Dudley jadi manis begini. Quite cute part though ^^
4. Polyjuice Potion is used to fool the DE - changing everyone into Harry, or into various characters. Polyjuice Potion lasts for one hour - yet no one ever needs to keep drinking it to maintain their changed appearance.
5. When Harry and Hagrid mourn Hedwig's death, neither of them remember that Hagrid gave the owl to Harry - his first ever birthday present.
6. Ginny is described as wearing a "low cut dress" at Bill's wedding. Everyone else is wearing robes - why is Ginny wearing a dress at a wizard wedding?
7. Molly complains that the trio are "dropping out" of school - although since they have obtained their OWLS they are free to leave school anyway
8. Hermione repeatedly refers to the adult characters by their first names - something she has NEVER done. Harry also calls several adult characters, including Lupin, by their first names. He has always called them "Professor".
9. There are numerous new, major characters (such as Luna Lovegood's father) introduced, when JKR has stated there would be no new major characters in this book.
10. The Secret Keeper concept explained in this book is completely contradictory to the concept as explained on Jo's own website. And it is explained differently on two occasions within this book. 12 Grimmauld Place can't be used as Phoenix headquarters because supposedly everyone in the Order is now a Secret Keeper. But then when Harry visits Godric's Hollow, he says that the secret of its location died because his parents died (although Pettigrew is the keeper of that secret).
11. Snape is supposedly made Headmaster at Hogwarts - and appoints Amycus and Alecto, the odd looking twins seen in HBP as teachers. Amycus teaches DADA. Is it plausible that Snape - who values education anyway - would appoint those particular DE?
12. Is it plausible that McGonnagal would continue to work at Hogwarts after it falls under DE control?
13. The Resurrection Stone, an object with magical properties that the trio find, is very similar in description and purpose to a Resurrection Stone used in some sort of comic book about skrulls or something (Google "Resurrection Stone, you'll see).
14. In the beginning of the book, Voldemort asks Draco if he recognizes the Muggle Studies teacher. Why would Draco, a muggle hater, have ever taken Muggle studies at pre-DH Hogwarts?
15. Not JKR's writing style at all; it reads like bad fanfiction in parts, especially in description.
no comment dah, baru pertama kali baca HP versi english sih.....huhu
16. Snape's memories flowing out of their own accord after he dies. What is that.
17. nconsistencies in character details and characterization, e.g. Lupin's silly dialogue and Dumbledore's magical change in hair color.
18. Time inconsistencies. Lupin's kid should be nineteen in the epilogue, he shouldn't still be attending Hogwarts. Also, it would be impossible for Tonks to give birth within the book's time frame.
19. The names are really dumb. Xenophilius Lovegood, Scorpius Malfoy, Albus Severus Potter, and apparently the new Minister of Magic's named "Thicknesse." No.
ah nama Dumbledore juga aneh koq =P
20. The tracking spell whenever anyone says Voldemort's name. It's inefficient, makes no sense, and would be impossible to execute.
21. The radio show. It doesn't prove anything, but it's just silly.
22. If it was real, the news would be HUGE. This is a big book, people. If it was really leaked, it would be much bigger than some fandom frenzy.
23. Ron says, at the Weasley dinner table, "Merlins saggy left..." and the Weasley parents cut him off.
emh…trus kenapa? what ‘saggy left’ actually means? Sori gw bner” gatau…lol
24. I have many reasons to believe that this leak is a fake, but to be honest the biggest was, for me anyway, that it just didn't feel like her writing. Something was just 'off' about it. I've read the series more times than I can count. I've studied it on the university level and have helped teach undergrads the series with my thesis advisor. And, though less of a credential, I've written so much fanfic which I have always tried to match up with canon as much as possible...though not always...so more studying of her work. (Hell, I even have a fic archive site...yes, I'm *that* girl...LOL!) I know Rowling's writing. Not saying I'm an expert but I know her 'voice.' And though the leak is very, very Rowling-ish, its not her.
When I read this, however, I was convinced it was a fake.
tp kenyataannya asli tuh.....believe it or not....
25. Plus, Hermione calling Ron an 'arse' when throughout the series she's admonished him for cursing. Hell, even when she slapped Malfoy (and she was pretty hacked off then)she didn't curse.
agree. this part also seems too weird for me
26. The OCCness of Lupin

being a muggle hater
28. The utterly opposite explanation of the Secret Keeper bit of GP. (Moody explaining to Harry why they couldn't go there)
29. The fact that Voldemort would ever admit he was wrong about anything (first chapter)
30. The killing of a character we've never heard of (Muggle studies teacher)
sbenernya (katanya) ada koq di buku ke 1 ato ke 3 gitu……..gw juga lupa sih hehe
31. Hermione's reaction to the Minister...even if she knew she was right she'd never speak to him that way
32. Ron's birthday gift to Harry. (I have read this in only about 654657984984 fics)
33. Ron's confidence around Hermione (not a real reason, but that just seemed off to me)
34 ."THE TRACE" come on
35. The fact that so many questions were left unanswered
36. The fact that the 'epilogue' only told us what happened to Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Hagrid and Draco when Jo said we'd find out what happend to 'everyone who survived.' So what? These are the only survivors?
37. Molly screaming "YOU ~censored~" to Bella. *snort* Its like a bad action movie
halah di sensor segala, dy triak "YOU B*TCH" kan? hwehehe
38. Albus freakin Severus
maksutnya freakin di sini... = gay? oh no.....
LOL I could go on and on forever.

Tulisan di atas smpet membuat gw yakin klo bocoran yg beredar tuh emg fake….tp stelah itu gw lyat spoiler lainnya di wikipedia which is ga jauh beda dgn yg ini, mau gak mau gw harus yakin klo ini emang hasil karyanya JKR…hiks
FYI, spoiler di wikipedia tuh ga tanggung” loh, sampe ada tabel berisi daftar siapa aja yang mati, siapa yang bunuh, gimana caranya, sampe waktu kejadiannya…..*waks*
Tp waktu kemaren gw lyat di wiki uda ga ada tuh, mungkin uda di edit demi ketertiban umum kali….Untung gw uda sempet nyimpen file-nya di kompie hehe

fave part:
1. Aunt Petunia sobbed and praised Dudley for saying thank you instead the fact that he just said that Harry wasn’t a waste of space…….This made Hestia wonder and argued her. But Harry explained "Yea but coming from Dudley that's like 'I love you,". ROFL. really XD
2. Mrs. Weasley kill Lestrange
3. When 7 peoples change their appearance like Harry, using polyjuice
4. Lupin married Tonks

Bad part:
5. sikapnya Lupin tuh ngga banget deh, masa dy jd pengecut gitu….. just not like one of my fave charas...
6. instead of fifth point, gw juga kecewa knp Lupin ma Tonks matinya gitu doank.....gak ada penjelasan sama sekali. padahal kematian Dobby aja dibahas bgt
7. bagian Hermione kissing Ron *yap. bukan Ron kissing Hermione*. gak napa” sih, cuma rada ganggu aja........soale mreka ngelakuinnya di saat yg gak tepat *sweat*
8. epilogue-nya kejauhan......19 years old later? Knapa seblomnya gak diceritain dlu sehari setelahnya keq, dua hari keq…….kan cerita tokoh” yg tersisa jadi gak komplit…… gmn kabarnya George, Luna, Rita Skeeter *gw pengen dnger dy di Azkaban*, Cho, Dean, Seamus, dsb….?

kekecewaan lain yg bersifat pribadi :
9. kematian Lupin n Fred
10. kenyataan bahwa Dumbly n Sirius emg bener” uda mati……huwaaaa gw pikir di HP terakhir ini mreka bakal muncul lagi, dgn alasan kematian mreka hanyalah taktik untuk menjatuhkan Voldie…….*ngayal.com*
11. HP bner” uda tamat……hehehe skrg uda ga ada lagi deh buku yg gw tunggu” rilisnya…..

overall HP 7 ini cukup bagus lah…tp ga cukup bagus untuk buku terakhir IMO……
so HP and the Goblet of Fire still the best for me! =D

1 comment:

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